Office of Motor Vehicles in Houma Address & Details

Below is information about location of the DMV office in Houma, Louisiana. There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page.

Office of Motor Vehicles

108 Capital Blvd.
Houma, Louisiana
(985) 857-3675
Work hours
Monday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm
DMV Payment Options
Cash, Credit Card, Debit, Check, Money Order
Licensing: Driver's License, Identification Cards, Written Test, Road Test, CommercialRegistration: Registration, Titling, Plates, Disabled Services: Disabled Parking, Wheelchair Accessible
Office of Motor Vehicles
Map & Directions
LA-3040/Tunnel Blvd and LA-311 N/Little Bayou Black Dr3.5 mi - 9 mins
Houma, LA, USA
3.5 mi - 9 mins
1. Head east on School St toward Barrow St
46 ft
2. Take the 1st right onto Barrow St
0.3 mi
3. Turn right onto LA-3040/Bond St/Tunnel Blvd
Continue to follow LA-3040/Tunnel Blvd
1.4 mi
4. Turn left onto St Charles St
0.3 mi
5. Take the 1st right onto LA-311 N/Little Bayou Black Dr
1.5 mi
6. Turn left onto Capitol Blvd
282 ft
108 Capital Blvd., Houma, Louisiana
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