Manti DMV in Manti Address & Details

Below is information about location of the DMV office in Manti, Utah. There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page.

Manti DMV

160 North Main St. County Courthouse
Manti, Utah
(435) 835-2101
Work hours
Monday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
DMV Payment Options
Cash, Credit Card, Debit, Check, Money Order
Registration: Registration, Titling, Plates, Disabled Services: Disabled Parking, Wheelchair Accessible
Manti DMV
Map & Directions
Related DMV locations

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58 East Main St. #2

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152 East 100 North
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250 North Main
Delta DMV
71 South 200 West

Price DMV
540 West Price River Drive
Fairpark DL Field Office
1095 Motor Avenue
Logan DL Office
110 E. 700 S.


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