Detroit Lakes DVS in Detroit Lakes Address & Details

Below is information about location of the DMV office in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page.

Detroit Lakes DVS

1000 Hwy. 10 W.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Language Services
(218) 846-7375
Work hours
Monday: 8:00am-3:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-3:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-3:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am-3:30pm
Friday: 8:00am-3:30pm
DMV Payment Options
Cash, Check
Licensing: Written Test, Road TestRegistration: Inspections, Disabled Services: Disabled Parking, Wheelchair Accessible
Map & Directions
US-10 W1.0 mi - 5 mins
Detroit Lakes, MN, USA
1.0 mi - 5 mins
1. Head north on Washington Ave toward Holmes St W
0.1 mi
2. Turn left onto US-10 W
0.5 mi
3. Continue straight to stay on US-10 W
0.3 mi
4. Turn left
253 ft
1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Related DMV locations

Detroit Lakes DVS
915 Lake Ave.
Willmar DVS
400 W. Benson
Mantorville DVS
22 Sixth St. E. Department 12

Robbinsdale DVS
4100 Lakeview Ave. N.
Bagley Drivers License
213 Main Ave. N.
LaCrescent DVS
315 Main St.

Cambridge DVS
555 18th Ave. S.W.
Roseville DVS
2737 Lexington Ave. N.
Red Lake Falls DVS
124 Langevin Ave.


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