Chevy Chase-MVA Bus in Chevy Chase Address & Details

Below is information about location of the DMV office in Chevy Chase, Maryland. There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page.

Chevy Chase-MVA Bus

4433 South Park Ave.
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Language Services
(410) 768-7000
DMV Payment Options
Cash, Credit Card, Debit, Check
Licensing: Driver's License, Identification CardsRegistration: Registration
Chevy Chase-MVA Bus
Map & Directions
Connecticut Ave and MD-355 S/Wisconsin Ave3.0 mi - 8 mins
Chevy Chase, MD, USA
3.0 mi - 8 mins
1. Head south on Connecticut Ave toward Newdale Rd
1.3 mi
2. Turn right onto MD-191/Bradley Ln
0.7 mi
3. Take the 1st left onto MD-355 S/Wisconsin Ave
0.8 mi
4. Turn right onto Friendship Blvd
302 ft
5. Take the 1st left onto The Hills Plaza
Destination will be on the right
492 ft
4433 South Park Ave., Chevy Chase, Maryland
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8966 Waltham Woods Road North Plaza Shopping Center


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