Carlisle PennDOT Driver License Center in Carlisle Address & Details

Below is information about location of the DMV office in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page.

Carlisle PennDOT Driver License Center

950 Walnut Bottom Road Stonehedge Square
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Language Services
(800) 932-4600
Work hours
Tuesday: 8:30am-4:15pm
Wednesday: 8:30am-4:15pm
Thursday: 8:30am-4:15pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:15pm
Saturday: 8:30am-4:15pm
DMV Payment Options
Check, Money Order
Licensing: Driver's License, Identification Cards, Written Test, Commercial, CDL Written, Disabled Services: Disabled Parking
Carlisle PennDOT Driver License Center
Map & Directions
PA-34 N5.2 mi - 11 mins
Carlisle, PA, USA
5.2 mi - 11 mins
1. Head west on W High St toward N College St
384 ft
2. Turn right onto N College St
0.2 mi
3. Turn right onto W North St
0.4 mi
4. Turn left onto N Hanover St
0.2 mi
5. Slight left onto PA-34 N/Carlisle Springs Rd
Continue to follow PA-34 N
4.2 mi
6. Turn left onto Wagner Dr
Destination will be on the left
0.1 mi
950 Walnut Bottom Road Stonehedge Square, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Related DMV locations

Sollenberger's Messenger
29 Westminster Drive
Carlisle PennDOT Photo License Center
950 Walnut Bottom Road Stonehedge Square
Shelenberger's Notary, Messenger
3032 Mercer Road

AAA North Penn Messenger
9 Charleston St.
AAA North Penn Messenger
18 S. Main St.
AAA East Central Messenger #3
160 Fort Couch Road

Uniontown PennDOT Photo License Center
855 N Gallatin Ave North Gallatin Avenue Ext
New Castle PennDOT Photo License Center
973 Old Youngstown Road
AAA Reading-Berks Messenger Service
920 Van Reed Road


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